The format for the 10th BIMPNT-EAGA Friendship Games will be contingent based. The countries that comprise BIMPNT-EAGA are as follows:
1. Brunei Darussalam
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2. Malaysia
| 2.1 Sabah
| 2.2 Sarawak
| 2.3 Labuan
| | |
3. Indonesia
| 3.1 Gorontalo
| 3.2 Maluku
| 3.3 North Maluku
| 3.4 East Kalimantan
| 3.5 West Kalimantan
| 3.6 Central Kalimantan
| 3.7 North Kalimantan
| 3.8 Central Sulawesi
| 3.9 North Sulawesi
| 3.10 South Sulawesi
| 3.11 South-East Sulawesi
| 3.12 West Sulawesi
| 3.13 North Papua
| 3.14 West Papua
| |
4. Philippines
| 4.1 Mindanao
| 4.2 Palawan
| | | |
Each contingent shall comprise of:
Head of Delegation
Liaison Officer
Medical Official
Team Manager
All rules and regulations, as well as the format of the competition will be provided by the Organizing Committee, in accordance with the rules and regulations commonly used by the Sports Associations in Brunei Darussalam, in accordance with the rules and regulations of International Sporting Bodies.
- Athlete must hold the nationality of the country he/she represents, and must be from the BIMPNT-EAGA ‘Focus Areas’;
- Athletes must be amateurs, and must not have previous participation in regional and international sporting events such as the SEA Games, Asian Games, etc;
- Athletes participating in the 10th BIMPNT-EAGA Friendship Games must be 21 years or under based on the year of birth, except for the sport of Sepak Takraw, where athletes must be 23 years old and below
- Each athlete is allowed to participate in three (3) individual events only.
- The ’International Rules and Regulations’ for each sport to be contested will apply.
- Each participant is allowed to participate in one (1) type of sport, and must represent one (1) contingent.
- Any matters arising and not contained in these terms shall be referred to the 10th BIMPNT-EAGA Friendship Games Organizing Committee, 2018, and any decision and resolution thereof shall be final.
Technical Handbook